LeNae is a regularly featured expert
who has been seen in:
Empower, educate, and outsource. Having a team that takes ownership of your business is paramount. Set clear policies and procedures, and encourage their input. Educate your team by providing supportive, ongoing mentorship coupled with knowledge assessments via the Socratic method (which focuses on asking questions instead of providing answers).
Time Magazine
Clarity of purpose. The second habit of “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People” is to “begin with the end in mind.” By asking myself three questions daily, I’m reminded of my purpose and ultimate endgame: “One, what do I want? Two, why do I want it? Three, what am I willing to change today to receive it?”
The Unforget Yourself Show
The Donna Seebo Show
Times are a changing and in a big way on so many levels, including the world of medicine and using an attitude of prevention instead of waiting for painful symptoms to show up. Have you heard of patient centric healthcare? If not, you’ll be hearing more of this type of procedure as more and more people seek out prevention care to stay strong and healthy.
Powerful You Learning Center
In a very special offering specifically for Powerful You subscribers LeNae discusses three areas where we may be unknowingly giving our power away, as well as three easy breezy tips to sealing those leaks for good.
Exclusive Interview With LeNae And Trip Goolsby - The Couple Behind Infinite Health Integrative Medicine Center
LeNae and Trip Goolsby, MD are the founders of Infinite Health Integrative Medicine Center, a precision-medicine practice with a niche focus on health optimization, age-reversal, and regenerative medicine, with patient-partners from across the nation.
LeNae and Dr. Goolsby are also best-selling authors having written a few books, including, “Think and Live Longer,” which is also their mind-body connection coaching program. “Think and Live Longer,” in connection with their progressive peer-reviewed and evidence-based medical modalities has been instrumental in helping thousands of women and men transform, not just their health, but their lives.
As authors and speakers, LeNae and Dr. Goolsby work to empower people across the globe to reclaim their health power, create and attain their personalized successful health image.
In this interview, LeNae and Trip Goolsby share exclusive insight about the following topics:
How does the Mind-To-Body-Connection actually work?
How do we regain our health power?
How to create a successful image of health?
Why it's important to know when to say 'yes' and when to say 'no'.
How do we learn to aim high, see the long perspective, and how do we get to know ourselves better?